- #Jgrasp vs eclipse how to#
- #Jgrasp vs eclipse full#
- #Jgrasp vs eclipse software#
- #Jgrasp vs eclipse code#
"What does this have to do with cooking?" I want you to mine some iron slag out of this vein. It's always felt to me like, "Oh you want to learn to cook? Great!" This is a pickaxe.

The people who are just taught to open an IDE, click "new project", and never leave the IDE, are the kinds of people that I expect will have trouble if they join my team and we're using different tooling than they're used to.
#Jgrasp vs eclipse how to#
If you teach people how things work: the underlying computer, OS, system libraries, and teach people the nuts and bolts of how to do their jobs: version control, the command line, filesystems, etc., then I especially don't care if they've used my specific tooling before, because they probably have enough foundational and background knowledge to be able to pick up different tooling and languages without too much trouble. Inexperienced with my specific tooling is a weird point to make, because it directly contradicts my point. I benefited from mentorship earlier in my career, and I'm happy to pay it forward. > You only like to work with experienced engineers, who are already experienced with the specific tooling you use on your projects fine. That's lame, but has nothing to do with the point you're trying to make. > In fact my experience is that some colleges have the exact opposite problem: they teach students old tools and techniques

My experience over the past 20+ years tells me that people who avoid learning about these topics are generally just not good at their jobs, or at best can do a decent job of things, but then completely freeze when they encounter something outside of their narrow comfort zone. I just do not understand how anyone could seriously believe that.
#Jgrasp vs eclipse software#
There seems to be this mindset that's starting to infect software development that pushes the idea that people can be good at programming computers without actually knowing anything about how those computers work. > But this is stuff that should come in later classes, particularly for students who are interested in those details. They are the kind of programmers who have a very narrow range of abilities, and whenever they see a problem outside those abilities, they get completely lost. I would not ever want to work with anyone from those types of teams.
#Jgrasp vs eclipse full#
> full teams can and have built huge java projects just by using the intellij project wizard and maybe a tiny bit of Gradle from stack overflow. When I saw the title my first thought was literally “yeah stop making students use eclipse, they should be using IntelliJ!”
#Jgrasp vs eclipse code#
Like writing code by hand and deducting points for syntax errors, or using some outdated framework e.g. In fact my experience is that some colleges have the exact opposite problem: they teach students old tools and techniques which are tedious and not actually used much later on. But this is stuff that should come in later classes, particularly for students who are interested in those details. the difference between char and UTF8 “character” is actually pretty important so that emoji inputs don’t crash your website. I’m not saying that these more esoteric details are completely useless. Actually students can solve most of the author’s problems by spending 5 seconds on Stack Overflow.

The author claims that students won’t be able to do real-world programming without learning this esoteric stuff, but actually this is the exact stuff they don’t need to know: full teams can and have built huge java projects just by using the intellij project wizard and maybe a tiny bit of Gradle from stack overflow. I don’t agree with this perspective: why do entry-level students have to understand the internals behind compiling their code, and weird edge-cases like misspelling import? In my experience this is actually the stuff that hinders learning and confuses students.